Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's New...

...with Fred - He has been enjoying Children's Ministry a lot.  Recently, he attended a Family Ministry Lab in Texas.  He learned a lot, and he is excited to implement some of these things in his ministry.  In April, he is getting together to discuss ministry with some friends, and he will be attending another conference.  Things with him are busy but good.

Last week, Fred took some time off for a staycation, and it was wonderful.  We did absolutely nothing except hang out all together at home.  It was lovely.

...with Erin - I have been LOVING my time at home with Eliana.  Previously, I said that I would go back to work in April and May as a Title I aide in Mooresville.  Well, I really don't get paid a lot for this job, and some other circumstances have happened.  So, we decided that it is best for me to stay at home for now.  I am really excited about this because I was not looking forward to leaving Eliana.  I do love teaching, but I have a new priority now.  If a job opens up in the fall, I am happy to take it because we could use the extra income, and I love using my talents.  However, it is not looking too promising.  We'll see what happens.

...with Eliana - Eliana has found her voice, and it is loud.  She has started talking very loudly lately, and it is really funny.  We love to listen to her stories.

Fred put together her jumperoo, and she is starting to like it more each day.  She even talks to the rooster on occasion (see the video below).  Her feet do not touch the floor at all, but she still moves around in it pretty good.

One day we caught Eliana rolling over from her stomach to her back.  It was totally an accident, but she's starting to get the hang of it.  We keep practicing.  

She likes to sit up a lot.  When I lay her in the Boppy, she tries to sit up like a big girl.  She's so silly.  

Our first date night since having the baby.  It was so nice!  Grandma Smith was in town to watch Eliana.  Eliana slept the whole time.  

Grandma couldn't resist buying Eliana this swimsuit.  She's definitely ready for the warm weather.

Such a cutie!

This was Eliana's first time sitting up in the stroller like a big girl.  She does not like the sun to be in her eyes.  

It was really sunny and windy, but it was nice to get outside for a few minutes.  This girl definitely gets lots of momma love each day.  I can't help it.  

This momma loves her baby.  

I just bought these cute headbands from a shop called Crochet Cuteness.  I think they're pretty cute if you ask me.  

I love it!

Some daddy love.  :)  Eliana is definitely looking at the television like always.  

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