Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Always an Adventure

This past weekend has been an adventure with little miss Eliana.  Friday was an extremely off day for her.  She was not eating or sleeping well.  I thought it was related to her gas issues as always, but I thought we had just gotten that figured out with my diet and medicine.  Throughout the day, she just seemed to get worse, and she cried more often.  I finally realized something else was wrong.  In addition to not eating or sleeping well, she has been drooling a lot and munching on her fists like crazy.  At about midnight, I realized it had to be teething.  Then, I sent Fred on a wild excursion looking for something topical to relieve her pain.  It helped a little bit.  The next night I decided that it would be a brilliant idea to transition her to her own room/crib.  I again had an awful night of sleep, and she did as well.  The next day she slept a lot because she was so tired.  I think things are starting to get back to normal, but she woke up a few times last night.  I was getting so used to sleeping through the night.  Life with an infant is always an adventure.  The pharmacist told me it was going to get a lot worse before it will get better.  I disagree.  I know that there will be trials and frustrations as we try to decode what is wrong with Eliana, but it's the best adventure that we've ever been a part of.  We signed up for all of it.  We love our baby girl, and we would do anything for her.  We absolutely love being her mom and dad.

Such a sleepy girl!

This shirt says, "Mommy's little sweetie."  She totally is.  I love her!

Please notice her hair.  I think she is working on getting rid of her hair towards the bottom, but it hasn't gone away yet.  So, it just looks a little strange for now.  Poor girl!  I keep telling her to work on growing her hair out.  

This is her new friend, Eddie Elephant.  I just realized that we should probably call her Ellie Elephant instead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lucy is working on her bottom teeth! Crazy to me because Molly was like a year old before she had teeth, ha! Lucy and Eliana are sporting the same hairstyle, the cul-de-sac! Good luck sleeping! We have yet to make it through the night, Miss Piggy demands to eat!