Thursday, April 14, 2011

4 Months

Eliana turned 4 months old on April 7, so I'm a little behind.  However, we did just go to the doctor this Monday.  Here is what we're up to.

She weighs in at 15 pounds and 7 ounces, which is the 84th percentile.
She is 24.75 inches tall, which is the 67th percentile.
Her head is in the 58th percentile.

Lately, Eliana has been keeping her head level with her body when you hold her hands to lift her up.  She has accidentally rolled over twice now.  Usually, she just gets really mad after a few minutes on her belly because she can't figure out how to roll over.

Her hands are always in her mouth.  I think she has to be working on teeth, but I do realize this is a developmental thing, too.

Eliana is still sleeping in her napper thing and freaks out when I put her in the crib.  The doctor said to just keep trying.  She sleeps so well in her napper that it's hard for me to try the "crying out" method in her crib.  I like to get some sleep.  Eliana sleeps pretty well at night for 5-8 hours at a time.  She does pretty well for naps depending on how long she sleeps at night.  Her naps are not always planned out, but she is usually ready for one after being up for 2 hours.

The doctor said we could go off of her reflux medicine and see how it goes.  I'm still somewhat watching my diet for now.  We can start rice cereal when we want.  Our doctor recommended once a day to get her motor skills going.  She seems really interested in food when we're eating, so we will start her soon.  I set up her high chair, but I'm trying to figure out what to feed her.  I'm reading a book about making my own baby food.

Overall, Eliana is a very happy baby, and we just love getting to know her more each day.

This was her first Sunday at church.  I taught first grade, and she hung out at the elementary check in with her new friend, Julie.  

I'm not quite sure how she sleeps like this.  She was clearly ready for bed.

Go Bucks!

Happy 4 months!  This is daddy's baby blanket.  

She's telling me something really interesting.  

This is typical.

Our "natural beauty" after bath time.

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