Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's New

Eliana has been doing a few new things lately.  She has been taking a bottle a day from Fred, and she's finally taking it without crying for him.  Whew!  She also started sleeping 6-7 hours at a time at night.  It's been lovely!  Finally, she had her checkup with the doctor to look at her eye tracking.  At the appointment, the doctor was able to see her track from side to side.  We're thinking that she's just feeling better with her new reflux meds combined with my diet.  They also weighed her, and she's at 12 pounds and 4 ounces.  She's a growing girl!  We won't go back until her 4 month appointment in April.  Here are some recent pictures.

Check out this new outfit from Aunt Carrie!  She's rockin' it.  

She can hold her head up for a little while like a big girl.

Tummy time with Daddy.  Yes, she is "watching" American Idol with him.  I'm pretty sure she just likes that the TV lights up.  I'm not really too thrilled with her "watching" it just yet.  We don't purposely set her in front of it.  When it's on, she is constantly looking at it.  She's funny!

She slept a lot this day.  

And more sleeping.  Some days she seems to sleep most of the day.  

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