Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Life as we Know it

I fell behind in my blogging.  So, here are a bunch of pictures from the past week.  Enjoy!  Stay tuned for the two month pictures and update.  Eliana turned two months old yesterday. :)
This is what happens when Fred is in charge of Eliana.  She gets to enjoy video games.  Doesn't she look thrilled?

Eliana could not be comforted this day.  So, I gave her a little crib time, which she wasn't excited about.  However, she did fall asleep for a total of 5 minutes in there.  I'll take it as a small victory.  

I thought this blue onesie looked so cute on her because of her eyes.  I just love her to pieces!

I think she's about over her photo shoot at this point.  :)

Here's a little daddy love after he got home from work.  She loves him a lot!

I was getting ready to read to Eliana, but she fell asleep before I got the chance.  I was surprised that she just fell asleep without crying.  I was so impressed that a picture was needed.  

She's a cutie at bath time!  We think she likes it.  

I was getting ready to cut her nails, and she had a kung fu grip on Fred's shirt before he put her down.  I'm thinking that she didn't want to get her nails trimmed.  

Here is Leah's photo debut with E.  They are besties!

Eliana enjoyed some Dummel love during the Super Bowl.  They are pretty big fans of hers, which we love.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea! So cute! Can't wait to hear her stats for 2 months! I love the bath picture! I think babies always look cute wrapped up in towels :)