Friday, February 11, 2011

Look Who's 2 Months Old

I can't believe our baby is 2 months old already!  Time flies, and we're having a blast.  We absolutely love little miss Eliana.  It has been a blessing to watch all of her little milestones this past month.  So, here they are.

1. Eliana is sleeping for 3-4 hours at night in her own space.  We'll tackle the crib some other day.
2. She is starting to "talk" to us more with cute little noises.  Her favorite consonant sound is g.  :)
3. She is smiling at us more and more.
4. She is still having a rough time with gas/reflux (GERD), so we're trying a new medicine.   I'm also trying to eliminate gassy foods from my diet to help her out.
5. She is not really tracking with her eyes very well.  The doctor is trying to be "conservative" about this, and she wants to see us back in a few weeks.  If she doesn't do it for the doctor at this visit, we will have to see an eye doctor.  Pray for this!  I've been working with her on it, but she's not really interested most of the time.
6. She is starting to get into a better routine of eating, playing, and napping.  I think it helps that I'm getting a little bit better as a mom at determining what she needs.
7. She finally likes to play on her own for a little while.  She likes the hanging animals in her play pen, her bouncy seat animal friends, and I hung some keys from her swing.  Of course, she always goes for her play mat.
8. I've been trying to get better at "tummy time."  She will hold her head up for a few minutes, which is good.  Then, she just gets mad and cries a little bit.
9. We took the insert out of her baby bath tub, so her feet are in the water while taking a bath.  We think she likes this a lot better.  She gets so cold at bath time and balls up her fists next to her face, but she's starting to move around more during baths.
10. She's growing bigger every day.  At her check up, she was 23 inches tall now, which is around the 75%.  I wonder where she gets that height!?!  I can barely keep the 3 month outfits on her because she's so tall.  Geesh!  She is also 10 pounds and 13 ounces, which was around the 50%.

Check out that karate kick!  

We discussed that fact that she may potentially be upset at us for dressing her in this outfit.  However, we think it's pretty cute.  She's not impressed as you can tell.  

She's definitely starting to find her thumb.  

I think they're finally friends.  :)


McBrien said...

She's adorable! Thanks for the update!

Unknown said...

She is so cute!! Don't worry about tummy time too much. Working at my internship they say that you should do a little bit of tummy time after every 2 minutes or so. And then increse the time...and how often. Wish I could her!

Unknown said...

Lucy does the same thing with tummy time, she is like "okay that's enough, get me up!" We are on some meds for GERD also :) Watch chocolate, too, I know sad, that really upset Molly a lot, she also had reflux. Yea for baby E!!