Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Little of This and That

I've been really bad at the blog lately, but there hasn't been anything too interesting going on around here.  Eliana and I just pretty much hang out at home every day.  Lately, it's been so rainy that we can't get out to take walks or anything.  Thankfully, we have a lot on the schedule for May.  This month holds several birthdays, Ovations at church, a wedding, and our anniversary.  I'm happy to have some things to look forward to this month.  It is getting hard to stay at home by myself each day.  I love Eliana and getting to be with her, but I need things to do.

Last weekend, it was Easter, and we got to celebrate with Fred's mom and sister.  We all went to church, which was nice for me.  I haven't been to church for myself in a long time.  Lately, I've been going to teach and then coming home.

Last week, we took Eliana to the doctor again for her reflux problems.  We had taken her off of her medicine for a week, but she was really struggling.  I started to give her the medicine again, and we saw some improvements.  However, we were still having some really fussy times where I could tell she was uncomfortable.  So, the doctor wanted to see us, and she started her on a different medicine.  So far, it seems to be helping.  I'm so glad because she was pretty miserable.  I feel bad because she has had little episodes like this for a few months, but I just thought it was teeth.  I think I was wrong.  Poor girl!

We'll wait a little bit longer to start her on the rice cereal because of the reflux.  We need to make sure the medicine is doing what it needs to before adding something else that could cause problems.

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

I walked away for a brief moment.  When I came back, she had her pillow in her hand.  

Happy Easter!

This is a little bit mean, but we had to get the picture.  She will love it someday.

Eliana's first Easter!

Enjoying some tummy time on the couch!

Before our walk....

...after our walk.  The hat did a really nice job of keeping the sun out of her eyes.


Jessica said...

Hey did your doctor tell you not to try cereal? With reflux it can actually help, at least that is what our doctor said. I don't know if you give her bottles but you can put a little in a bottle and cut the nipple a little or since she is old enough you can just give her rice and it might just help, just a though.

Unknown said...

I agree with your friend, food really helped Lucy with her reflux problems. It made no difference for Molly, but it didn't make it worse for her, either. But obviously, do what the doctor tells you :) When is your anniversary, ours in on the 28th, I think we are close, right? So glad you had family in for Easter, we did, too, the first time since we have been married we actually celebrated a holiday with family, ha!