Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1 Month

It's crazy how quickly things change in 1 month.  We are now somewhat getting into a routine with Eliana, and things are getting to a new normal.  She is such a blessing, and we marvel at all of her cute quirks each day.  Currently, she is starting to take some reflux medicine, and we're hoping it will help her to feel better. She has been spitting up more lately and showing some signs of discomfort with eating.  We're praying it helps and makes her feel more comfortable with laying in her bassinet by herself at night.  We can always hope, right?  Here are some recent pictures.

Look who is 1 month old!

This is her new friend, Brutus.  She wasn't too thrilled about her photo shoot with him.

This is Eliana's room.  A big thanks to Grandma Schmitt for the bedding and room decorations.  Also, a huge thanks to Fred and Devin for putting it all together.  

This was on her way to the 1 month check up.  She weighed in at 8 pounds and 3 ounces.  She also grew an inch taller (21 inches now).


Anonymous said...

Aww Erin! Thanks for sharing this with everyone! She is beauuuuty-ful!!! Hopefully see you sometime in the future! Maybe Kroger? :)

Unknown said...

She is soooo cute! She'll grow to LOVE Brutus I'm sure! :)

Fred::Erin::Eliana said...

Thanks ladies! I definitely keep my eye out for you at Kroger, Jess!