Monday, January 24, 2011

Month 1 Take 2

So, these one month pictures are a little late, but I just discovered these handy stickers from Etsy.  You put them on your baby's onesie to document their growth each month.  We included this with our home photo shoot on Saturday.

We can't believe how big she's getting.  While she may not look big to you, we can definitely see a difference.  Everyone is totally right when they say your baby will grow up fast.  Eliana is already outgrowing her newborn outfits.  She's in a weird stage where the 0-3 months are a little big, but she is busting out of the newborns.  We've also noticed that she is having some awake times where she is content to chill a little bit instead of cry the whole time.  We're still waiting for the day when she'll sleep by herself for a few hours.  Snuggling is still her preferred way to sleep all day.  When she is in her bassinet crying, I have noticed that the hair dryer tends to calm her down.  We're contemplating a cd that plays the sound of the hair dryer over and over.  Who knows?  We may be on to something.

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