Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fun While it Lasted

Today marks the very last day of being a stay at home mom, which I've enjoyed for the last 8 months.  There were definitely days in the past 8 months where I wondered if I was cut out for this job because it's much harder than I every imagined, but I love every minute of it.  When I was in college, I always thought that I would get bored as a stay at home mom, so I vowed to be a working mom.  However, I started teaching and quickly learned that one can't possibly be 100% teacher and 100% mom.  Something has to give along the way.  Thankfully, my job this  year is still an aide position.  I will work hourly for the Title I program, which means no report cards or parent conferences.  I can leave at the end of the day and resume being wife and mom.  I keep telling myself that this will be a good thing for Eliana and for me, but I tear up just thinking about leaving her.  It's a good thing in that we could really use the money to pay for Fred's grad school and to replenish savings after having to buy a new, used car.  It will also be good for Eliana to be around other kids and not so attached to me.  Ultimately, I know this is just part of our bigger story for now.  So, we'll make the best of it.

Since I haven't blogged in quite a few months, you should know that Eliana has been up to a lot.  She sits, crawls backwards and slowly forwards, rolls both ways, chews on everything,  has a top and bottom tooth, loves walking in her walker,  is so active, reaches for everything, claps her hands, claps her feet, claps her hands and feet at the same time, is a generally happy baby, grunts when she's frustrated, wants to learn things on her own, seems to be very independent, is starting to enjoy food better, and makes us laugh daily.

Eliana, we love you so much.  You are such a fun girl, and we love watching you grow up.  We are starting to see some of your personality, and we love that you are so active.  We can't wait to see who you become, but you could really slow it down.  Lately, you seem to learn so many new things each day.

5 months

My mom made this outfit, and it's really cute.

This is how Eliana likes to sleep sometimes.

6 months - She was barely sitting by herself.  

June 23 - Happy Birthday, daddy!  We visited camp.

6 months

E and Aunt Carrie
Eliana and Grandma Schmitt

Eliana's first time swimming

Daddy and Eliana checking out the giraffes at the zoo.

I don't think she notices the huge elephant behind her.

I made this headband for her.  I think she looks pretty cute.

VBS 2011

7 months

7 months

Grandma Smith and Eliana

Uncle Jason and Eliana - She loved him. :)

She's pretty strong.  This is all part of her moving around routine.

This is how I found Eliana one day after waking up from a nap.  She's just chillin' out. 

8 months - I should have put the sticker on her outfit before getting her dressed.  She was determined to get that sticker off, and I barely got any pictures of her looking at the camera.  Silly girl!


Unknown said...

So cute! I feel like the last couple months our girls have gone from like 0 to 100! Lucy loves to stand one her legs and try to crawl! Even when she plays the keyboard, she is "standing up." Work will be an adjustment, but it's nice that you get to leave your work there at the end of the day!

McBrien said...

She is adorable. I'm glad that you blog so that I can try to keep up with what is happening in your life. I need to write you back...hopefully today I'll get the chance. Anytime you need a vacation...come stay with us :)