Thursday, February 4, 2010


Letting others know you see how valuable they are.

I want to spend some time and mental energy to express my gratitude to those who have helped Erin and myself throughout our lives thus far.  Of course, when you write posts like this you run the risk of omitting someone (or many people).   Please note, this is not an exhaustive list, but an attempt.  If you are reading this and find it interesting...please pay it forward and honor others this month.

Our parents are vastly different as individuals, however at their core is a deep desire to love us help up succeed in our lives.  Soon, hopefully, we will be able to continue the legacy of love that our parents have instilled in us.  The sheer fact that this post is being written is evidence of the fact that I have had the blessing of parents who have demonstrated what it means to be thoughtful, and giving.

The lessons are too many to count and re-iterate here, however they were caught......eventually.  Erin and I have found that listening to the wisdom of our parents (even when it was unsolicited) is valuable.  Our current position in life will allow us to help others, as we remain faithful to the opportunities that God opens for us.

My prayer is that our parents would know how important they are in the formation of our lives, both good and bad.  My hope is that they would never cease to parent, but remain interested in our life together as a married couple.  My desire is to build a family built on love, one where my children are proud to be placed in.

Mom, Dad, I love you.    /FS

1 comment:

Jules said...

Fred, You and Erin have blessed my life so much more than I have blessed yours. Your joy is my joy a hundred fold. I am so proud of both of you (and Carrie too) and I love all of you so very much!