Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Aughties

It's hard to believe that this decade started with Erin and I in high school, and ends with us trying to sell a house and moving to the Indianapolis area.  There is a TON that happens in ten years of one's life, but this decade has seen many milestones for the Schmitts:

  • Getting married and figuring out how to live together
  • Combined 5 Degrees in Education (Erin: high school, Bachelor's, and Master's; Fred:  high school and Bachelor's)
  • Starting a full-time Ministry position at a church
  • Starting a teaching career
  • Buying and Possessing a House
  • Seeing Ohio State win the National Championship in person (on Fred's list, but not Erin's)
As we look forward to 2010, we know that God has many more things he'd like to show us...and we sit here at the close of a decade together saying, "We're ready for it!"  

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