Tuesday, October 25, 2011


There are moments that I wish could be frozen in time. For me, these moments come when I have my sweet girl giggling at me while I'm holding her in my arms. They also come when Fred and I are both able to relax and spend time laughing and loving Eliana. I guess I just realize she won't be this little forever, and time goes too quickly. I would love to freeze these moments and revisit them anytime I want.

Tonight I had a few moments like this while Fred was in class. E and I had a little bit of time before she was ready for bed. We laughed, played, and I'm convinced she was trying to give me kisses. I loved every minute.


Unknown said...

"Freeze" moments occur several times each day it seems. Also, kisses are the absolute best!

Unknown said...

Totally agree! Oh, I was going to tell you, Lucy dumps her cup with cheerios in it, too. She would rather eat them off the floor, also. Silly girls!