Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 - We Won't Soon Forget You!

We hope that all of you have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year's celebration!
Here's our first family picture!  Eliana is 2 weeks old.
     This year has been the craziest since we've been married.   In 2010 we made it through: a re-location (from Findlay, Ohio to Indianapolis, Indiana), a house sale (still trying to figure out how God did that one), and a new baby (Eliana). 
     From January through May, we lived apart commuting back and forth every week to spend a little time together.  We lived with a new friend, Pat, from June through October.  Finally, we moved into our new house in November.  If you're keeping score, we've had 4 addresses in this calendar year.
     Bringing Eliana into the world has been the greatest adventure that we've ever been apart of!  She is such a beautiful blessing and is growing by the day.  We're enjoying the transition into parenthood (all 2+ weeks of it).  Thankfully, we've had the help of Erin's mom, Peggy, to help us juggle the day-to-day tasks around the house and having a new baby.  She has been such a huge help to us!
     Working at The Church of Mt. Gilead has proven to be the right step for our ministry as a family to continue to help point children and families to a growing knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 
     Through all of this, we have found time to reflect on what God has been teaching us:
  • Patience - God helps along our patience by giving us ample opportunities to show patience.  God models patience for us in that we waits for us to turn to Him.  
  • Cord of 3 Strands - We are stronger when we lean on one another than when we try to take on life by ourself.  However, we are exponentially stronger when we lean into God together.  We trust that He hears our prayers.  He answers them in His way (which is higher than our way) and in His time (which is more perfect than our time).  
  • Tomorrow doesn't have to be Yesterday - God doesn't waste anything.  Everyday is an opportunity to grow closer to God.  We seek to become better as Christ-followers, parents, spouses, leaders, friends as we step into 2011.
     "We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."  Romans 5:3-5
May God Bless you and your family, and may you turn toward Him today and find the true love and peace waiting for you there.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Welcome Eliana!

Well after much anticipation (and pain) our girl, Eliana entered the world on December 7, 2010.  We could not be more proud of how she turned out.  It's going to be a wild ride as we try to figure out how to be parents.  In future posts, we'll make sure to note things that we are learning along the way (which will probably be common sense to seasoned parents).  All in all, we're just excited, and sleep deprived, but it is such a blessing to have Eliana in our lives.